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IP Key SEA celebrates green innovation on the World IP Day, supporting the DIP Thailand Photo Contest

On the occasion of the World Intellectual Property Day, 26 April 2020, IP Key South-East Asia (SEA) project extends its support to innovators and creators who embark on the green journey and supports the Department of Intellectual Property (DIP) Thailand in the organization of the DIP Photography Contest under the theme ‘Innovate for a Green Future’, defined by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

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World IP Day: Let’s learn more about IP Rights and how businesses can benefit from them

World IP Day is commemorated every 26 April. This year, in cooperation with the Latin America IPR SME Helpdesk, IP Key Latin America has launched a campaign to help you identify which Intellectual Property Rights suit your business best, and how it can help you move past the crisis, grow and expand. For a few weeks, IP Key Latin America and the Latin America IPR SE Helpdesk will bring daily information about different types of Intellectual Property Rights:

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Bangkok, Thailand

Thai officials and EU experts exchanged thoughts on copyright law reform in Thailand

On 11 September 2020, copyright and IP officials from the Department of Intellectual Property (DIP) of Thailand met with EU copyright and related rights experts in a virtual technical meeting and exchanged thoughts on the ongoing copyright law reform in Thailand. The meeting was organised to continue providing technical support for the country’s efforts enhancing its copyright protection and enforcement regime.

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South-East Asia

EU experts shared best practices on modern copyright protection systems

On 8 and 9 September 2020, copyright policy officials from the SEA countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam, participated in a virtual conference on Modern Copyright Protection Systems. EU Copyright Expert shared their insights on treaties and international agreements on copyright and related rights and the EU legal framework, focusing on the aspects related to online environment.

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Panama joins TMclass and DesignClass

As of 16 March 2020, the General Directorate of the Industrial Property Registry of Panama (DIGERPI) is part of TMclass and DesignClass. From this day, DIGERPI will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass as well as the list of terms from the harmonised database of product indications (HDBPI) in DesignClass.

Following DIGERPI’s decision to use HDB and HDBPI there are now eight non-EU IP offices in both TMclass and DesignClass that use and accept terms from these harmonised databases.

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