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EUIPO publishes a call for compiling a list of vendors

EUIPO is setting up a list of economic operators interested in providing independent and hands-on expertise to foster IP cooperation and increase effective awareness in the field of intellectual property rights in both EU and non-EU countries.

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EUIPO publishes a call for compiling a list of vendors

EUIPO is setting up a list of economic operators interested in providing independent and hands-on expertise to foster IP cooperation and increase effective awareness in the field of intellectual property rights in both EU and non-EU countries.

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EUIPO publishes a call for compiling a list of vendors

EUIPO is setting up a list of economic operators interested in providing independent and hands-on expertise to foster IP cooperation and increase effective awareness in the field of intellectual property rights in both EU and non-EU countries.

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Central American countries, Cuba and Mexico

Trade mark training for examiners from Central American countries, Dominican Republic and Mexico

Due to the current pandemic, an online workshop dedicated to trade marks has been organised by IP key LA, in collaboration with CarIPI. The target group comprises officials, in particular trade mark examiners from the national IP offices of Central America, Mexico and the Dominican Republic.

The overall objective is to promote the adoption of EU standards in examination, protection and enforcement of trade marks, in particular as regards the prevention of bad faith registrations and the registration of non-traditional trademarks.

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