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Co-organised with CPVO and Chinese ministries, in cooperation with UPOV, seminars on the International cooperation on the "take over" of DUS technical reports ans on the implementation of FSS and EDV

Together with CPVO, MARA and NFGA, in cooperation with the UPOV, IP Key held seminars in Beijing which focused on the international cooperation on the “take-over” of Distinctness, Uniformity, Stability (DUS) technical reports and on the implementation of Farm Saved Seeds and Essentially Derived Varieties (FSS and EDV).

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Experts from Latin America and Europe spoke about the present and future of Geographical Indications in Peru

IP Key LA held on March 28th and 29th in Lima, Peru, the "Seminar on Geographical Indications and Trade Marks: Prospects for the future", oriented to the Andean Community, with the presence of invited experts from Europe and Latin America. These covered issues related to the EU's policy on GI, the protection of GIs in the EU and abroad, the relationship between GIs and trade marks, and the protection of a GI in the registration procedure of a trademark, in addition to infractions and observance of GIs.

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Latin America

Approval of IP Key Annual Work Plan 2019

The 2019 Annual Work Plan (AWP) of IP Key Latin America has been approved on 17 December 2018 after close consultation with all involved stakeholders. It consists of 24 activities covering all fields of IP, which will be implemented in cooperation with the relevant partners in all Latin America.

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