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South East Asia

IP Key SEA Annual Work Plan 2-2019

The Project Management Board (PMB) of the IP Key Southeast Asia (SEA) Project adopted the Second Annual Work Plan (AWP2-2019) on 21 December 2018. AWP2-2019 of IP Key SEA covers an implementation period of 12 months, from 01 January to 31 December 2019, and consists of 25 activities, all contributing to the objectives of the action, which includes support to the negotiations and implementation of FTAs and the IP dialogue in Southeast Asian countries, enhancing the capacity of IP authorities, improving registration practices, and raising awareness on IP protection and enforcement. 

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Approval of IP Key Annual Work Plan 2019

The 2019 Annual Work Plan (AWP) of IP Key China has been approved on 10 December 2018 after close consultation with all stakeholders. It consists 29 activities covering all fields of IP, which will be implemented in cooperation with the relevant partners.

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