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Latin America

Would you like to enjoy the second IP Key Labs again?

On 18 May 2023, we presented the second IP Key Labs titled ‘Video Games and Intellectual Property’, which was organised following the keen interest shown from our social media followers. The gaming industry has a large, young audience interested in protecting any new developments in the sector.

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The first IP Key Labs had more than 500 participants

On 9 March, ‘The Metaverse and Intellectual Property’ webinar was presented live, the first webinar of the pilot programme to be implemented during 2023 by IP Key Latin America. The main topics presented, which focused on current practices in the metaverse, were copyright and trade mark issues and demands for intellectual property infringements.

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Brazil adheres to the Hague System

On February 13 was published that Brazil has joined the Hague System for International registration of designs. The Brazilian government deposited its instrument of adhesion to the 1999 Geneva Act of The Hague Agreement at WIPO on the last week of December 2022, after approval by Brazilian Congress.

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What are IP Key Labs?

We are introducing a series of workshops called ‘IP Key LABs’ as an interesting pilot programme this year. The general idea is to create awareness and reflection on relevant trends in intellectual property and today’s digital world.

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IP Key LA presents its 2023 Annual Work Plan

The IP Key LA programme presents its 2023 activity plan. The plan envisages implementing, with the constant support of the European Union Intellectual Property Office, 21 activities. The activities will continue to promote socioeconomic development in 16 Latin American countries by disseminating and advising on the best EU intellectual property practices and standards.

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