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Latin America

Seminar on Geographical Indications for Chile

In an important event for intellectual property (IP) in Latin America, experts and representatives from Chile and the European Union (EU) met to discuss the international protection of Geographical Indications (GIs). The seminar was held on 16 and 17 April in Santiago de Chile.

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Seminar on Geographical Indications for MERCOSUR

In an important step towards intellectual property (IP) protection, Latin America is about to sign an agreement with the European Union (EU) on Geographical Indications (GIs). Renowned EU products, such as Prosciutto di Parma and Irish whiskey, could gain recognition and protection, gaining economic advantages and generating confidence in those products for the benefit of producers. IP Key LA presented a three-day event to address critical aspects of the knowledge and implementation issues of this tool.

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Geographical indications in Brazil: Manzanilla de Mandirituba and Cachaça de Paraty

In January 2024, through its National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), Brazil recognised two new geographical indications (GIs) that highlight the richness of its agricultural heritage. In Mandirituba – a municipality in the state of Paraná – dehydrated camomile obtained the first GI registration of 2024. This recognised indication of origin joins 110 other GIs across the country. Mandirituba is responsible for 30 % of Paraná’s camomile production, as well as driving innovation with broad applications in the food and cosmetics industries.

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Guatemala joins DESIGNclass

As of 29 January 2024, the Registry of Intellectual Property of Guatemala (RPI-GT) is part of Design Class and will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database of product indications (HDBPI).

Following RPI-GT’s decision to use HDBPI, there are now 18 IP offices outside the European Union (EU) in DesignClass that use and accept the terms from this harmonised database. With this incorporation, the total number of participating IP offices increases to 44.

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IP Key LA presents the Annual Work Plan 2024

IP Key LA and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) have unveiled the Annual Work Plan for 2024. This strategic plan seeks to strengthen collaboration in intellectual property (IP) between the European Union and Latin America.

Scheduled from 1 January to 31 December 2024, the Annual Work Plan (AWP3-2024) comprises 22 activities that strategically designed to impact key IPR areas.

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Study on the economic and social importance of the flower industry and PVR protection for Ecuador

This study will show how the production and exportation of roses contribute to Ecuador’s economy. It will follow the structure and methodology of analogue studies carried out by the CPVO in the EU. The study should also prove the importance that the protection of IPRs has for the Ecuadorian flower industry, and at the same time the risk that inadequate protection of rights may mean for that sector.

The study contemplates the following topics:

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Geographical Indications Workshop in Mexico

The activity entails a comprehensive 2-day workshop aimed at preparing Mexico and the EU for the effective implementation of their commitments in the field of GIs under the modernised FTA with the EU.

It will focus on the obligations, benefits, and compliance requirements outlined in the agreement. It will also seek to highlight the economic, cultural, and social benefits associated with GIs, emphasising their role in rural development and sustainability.


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