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Latin America

Study for the improvement of regulations in copyright law regarding compliance in the digital environment

This activity will consist of carrying out a study that will propose changes to the Peruvian legislation on copyright, based on EU legislation, so that it could serve the authorities to effectively combat copyright infringements in the digital environment.

The study will consider recent legislative changes in other countries, with a specific focus on examples like Uruguay. The study will take into account the recent legislative changes made in Uruguay, which allow authorities to take proactive measures to effectively combat infringements of copyright and related rights.

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Exchange Programs – IP and Cyber Crime (Operation 404)

The objective of this activity is to share best practices in the enforcement of copyright infringements, especially those involving cooperation between local authorities defending IP rights, and even cases where there is cooperation between different countries.

As a follow-up to previous activities, it will provide an opportunity for enforcement authorities in Chile, Paraguay, and Brazil to share their experiences with each other regarding practices and tools used to effectively detect and combat IPR infringements in online environments.


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Sharing best practices with Platforms: sale of counterfeit goods on the internet

The activity consists of a 1-day hybrid seminar in Sao Paulo, where most companies and platforms have their operations in Brazil, gathering enforcement authorities in Brazil, representatives of e-commerce and EU companies/rights holders.

The seminar will focus in particular on the sale of counterfeit goods on the internet and best practices related to it.


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Regional seminar on enforcement for IP Prosecutors, Customs and Police Investigators in Costa Rica

This seminar consists on a 3-day in-person seminar to be organised jointly by WIPO, USPTO, the Japan Patent Office and the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of Costa Rica. The activity will train prosecutors, customs, and police investigators from Central America and Mexico on effectively dealing with IP crime.

The seminar will be divided into four parts, focusing in particular on:

  • Prosecuting IP crime
  • Investigating IP crimes
  • IP enforcement at the border
  • Right Holders Exhibition.


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Seminar ‘Fighting Intellectual Property Rights Infringements in the Andean Community’

The seminar ‘’Fighting Intellectual Property Rights Violations in the Andean Community‘’ took place, with great success, on 15-16 May 2024 at the Externado University of Colombia.

The event brought together judges, prosecutors and officials from intellectual property offices from across the region to discuss strategies for combating IPR violations. The programme included panel discussions, expert presentations and networking opportunities among the guests.

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South America IP Enforcement Summit

The aim of this activity, with the support of INTERPOL, is to support different authorities in the region to carry out operational actions to combat the trade of products that infringe IP laws, pharmaceutical crimes and digital piracy.

This activity marks an evolution from previous activities for customs officials that aimed to enhance their understanding of the challenges of today’s international piracy and counterfeit trafficking. In particular, this activity aims to bolster the region through tangible operations against intellectual property crimes.


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Seminar for judges in El Salvador

During the seminar, presentations and discussions will focus on the most recent techniques and good practices available to law enforcement authorities related to evidence collection, case management, and remedies and orders sought. This will be an interactive, hands-on training activity.

Furthermore, one of the judges participating in this seminar will be invited to the Enforcement forum for the Andean Community judges and prosecutors (Activity 6), where more advanced topics will be addressed, with the objective of sharing that knowledge with their colleagues.


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Online Workshop: Industrial Design Examination

Over 100 intellectual property (IP) examiners and officials from 16 Latin American nations met online on 12-13 March 2024 to participate in a training session on industrial design examination. Organised with the AL-INVEST Verde DPI cooperation project, the event aimed to strengthen the skills of IP registrars with a focus on industrial design examiners.

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Webinar on international intellectual property treaties

The webinar on international intellectual property treaties, organised in cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), successfully concluded after two days of intensive sessions. This event, held on 6 and 7 May 2024, focused on fostering dialogue among Andean countries on the challenges and opportunities of accession to the Hague Agreement and the Madrid Protocol.

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