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Latin America

Reporting of follow-up actions to the EU Commission Counterfeit and Piracy List

The activity pursues raising awareness of IP protection and enforcement by supporting the monitoring of developments in the LA countries in relation to the online and physical marketplaces that are identified in the EC Counterfeit and Piracy Watch List.

The European Commission publishes a Counterfeit and Piracy Watch List biannually that identifies and describes the most problematic marketplaces around the world, whose operators or owners reportedly engage in, facilitate, or benefit from counterfeiting and piracy.

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IP Key LA Closing Event

The main objective of this activity is to inform key stakeholders about the main outcomes of the IP Key LA second phase. Therefore, this activity will target the largest segment of IPR practitioners to reach out to specific segments of the general public, notably policy makers from government and enforcement agencies, SMEs, producers and private sector representatives, academia, and economic media, but also the public in general and, in particular, the younger generations.

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Webinar on Alternative Dispute Resolution in the field of Copyrights and related rights

This activity consists of a 2-day webinar and will be undertaken in close cooperation with the EUIPO Boards of Appeal’s mediation team.

The specific objectives of this activity are to:

  • Promote the benefits of solving IP disputes in a confidential, efficient, and costeffective manner
  • Share best practices on alternative dispute resolution methods.


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On-demand support for the implementation of obligations arising from FTAs

The activity/activities provide for the possibility of undertaking ad hoc initiatives upon the request of DG TRADE.

The description and objectives of the on-demand study or assistance to be undertaken in relation to the on-going FTA negotiations, IP Dialogue or in relation to the implementation of FTA obligations will be defined in accordance with the request to be made by DG TRADE.


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Workshops to promote convergence of practices and tools

Over the past decade, the EUIPN (national and regional IPOs of the EU, the EUIPO, international partners, and users of the IP system) has created tools and converging practices (CPs) that have shaped the EU trade mark and design system: cutting fees, saving costs, creating numerous trade mark and design search tools. The network’s flagship tools, TMview and DesignView are the largest trade mark and design databases in the world, allowing businesses to search from a staggering 116 million trade marks and 21 million designs.

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Regular monitoring of IP Chapter Commitments

An external expert will be engaged to monitor and report on the following:

  1. Up-to-date information on the state of play of legislative initiatives
  2. Information on enforcement initiatives or actions
  3. Any local developments concerning IPR protection and enforcement in all issues covered by the FTA.
  4. On GIs: number of protected GIs under their domestic legislation for agri-goods and others; enforcement provisions/practice.


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Studies in support of International Treaties

The activity consists of tailor-made studies to assist Uruguay in preparing for the accession to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), Costa Rica to the accession to the Madrid Protocol, and Argentina to the Vienna Agreement establishing an International Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks.

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New Manual for Trademark Examination in the Andean Community

In a collaborative effort between the General Secretariat of the Andean Community (SGCAN) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the renewed Manual for trademark examination in the Andean countries was presented in 2023. This document aims to enhance the quality of trademark registration services in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, providing practical recommendations and guidelines for examiners, although its use is not mandatory.

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