

IP Key China Work Achievement: Plant Variety Rights

With IP Key China’s continuous commitment, the cooperation between the EU and China on Plant Variety Protection (PVP) has advanced in recent years. Proper protection for plant varieties in the Chinese market not only benefits the breeders, farmers, and producers but also serves end consumers and citizens. European Union breeders show an increasing interest to invest in China and are the first foreign applicants in numbers for many species.

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IP Key China Work Achievement: Visibility

Since 2017, IP Key China has offered qualified technical assistance to increase political and public awareness of the importance of intellectual property protection in China’s IP landscape, including through continuous communications with the public sector and academia.

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She (IP) Matters

In business, politics and society as a whole, we can only reach our full potential if we use all of our diversity. Using only half of the population, half of the ideas is not good enough. International Women’s Day is a chance to celebrate achievements and look at the road ahead. We still have a long way to go: statistics from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) show that, women’s share in international patent applications was 16.5% in 2021. Women inventors matter, unfortunately inequalities persist.

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IP Key 中国项目在欧盟专利局的协助下,制作了统一专利系统和统一专利法院的中文资料包。这些材料分为三个全面的英文文档,能够在欧洲专利局网站上找到:


手册: 统一专利包方案-简便,广域,低成本的专利保护 

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IP Key中国工作回顾: 互联网知识产权保护


自2017年以来,IP Key中国组织一系列专题活动以应对日益增长且充满挑战的互联网知识产权保护问题:


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IP Key中国工作回顾:专利


自2017年以来,IP Key中国通过落实一系列活动,积极回应欧盟利益攸关方对于中国专利制度的关切,诸如发明专利和实用新型专利的申请和实施等:



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IP Key中国工作回顾:商标


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IP Key中国工作回顾:商业秘密



自2017年伊始,IP Key 中国组织一系列商业秘密保护活动,具体包括:

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