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Design rights enforcement – enforcing the rights over your ideas at the market

To successfully protect IP in target markets, SMEs should be prepared to enforce their rights. Ultimately, only enforcement of IP rights can halt the infringements. Furthermore, in some countries such as China, if an SME builds a reputation for being litigious then malicious companies might be less likely to infringe their rights in the future. As IP is territorial, only rights that are registered in target markets can be enforced there. [...]

China joins TMview

As of today, the 19 May 2021, TMview will include trade mark data made available by the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA), taking the total number of trade marks in the search tool from 62 to over 90 million from 75 participating IP Offices. [...]

Trade secret protection – protecting your ideas at the market

Identifying and registering IP in target markets is the first step in developing a comprehensive IP protection strategy. For SMEs to be successful in their target markets, a structured IP protection approach must take into account the particularities of the legal framework in target markets as well as the nature of SME’s intangible assets and available resources. For example, in case the SME’s product has a long-life cycle and it is not easily reverse-engineered, trade secret protection can be preferable to patent protection. [...]

Trade mark and software registration – taking your ideas to the market

Registering IP is an important part of launching your products on new markets, since lack of IP protection can have a negative impact on SMEs’ business competitiveness and resilience. As IP is territorial, the IP rights that EU SMEs enjoy at home do not automatically extend to other markets, unless specifically registered there. Thus, SMEs should identify the core IP they own and consider registering it in the countries and territories they plan to do business in/with.  [...]

EU SMEs and IP: Taking your ideas to China’s market

Innovation is a key source of growth, and protection of Intellectual Property (IP) has always been the driving force of innovation. The European Union (EU), as global leader in green and digital technologies, has been taking measures to incentivise EU SMEs to make use of the full potential of IP and put them on the right track towards economic recovery. [...]

IP Key China launches its fourth Annual Work Plan

IP Key China has launched its fourth Annual Work Plan. January 2021 sees the beginning of its implementation. The objective of this work plan is to continue enhancing EU-China cooperation on selected emerging challenges in the area of intellectual property. The European Commission is leading this initiative and it is being implemented by the EUIPO.     [...]

Plant Variety Rights | Online technical training for Chinese experts

IP Key China collaborates very closely with the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO), an agency of the European Union located in Angers, France, as well as with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) and the National Forestry and Grassland Administration (NFGA), both based in the People’s Republic of China. [...]

Virtual meeting with CNIPA and signature of Agreement on exchange of trade mark information

On 25 September, Mr Shen Changyu, Commissioner of the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) and Mr Christian Archambeau, Executive Director of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) held a virtual high-level meeting to discuss IP cooperation matters, namely to review the state of play of the bilateral cooperation activities with CNIPA, the IP Key China project implementation as well as the cooperation within the TM5 and ID5 forums. [...]

EU and China sign landmark agreement protecting European Geographical Indications

Today, the EU and China signed a bilateral agreement to protect 100 European Geographical Indications (GIs) in China and 100 Chinese GIs in the European Union against usurpation and imitation. This agreement, first concluded in November 2019, should bring reciprocal trade benefits as well as introducing consumers to guaranteed, quality products on both sides. [...]

EUIPO publishes a call for compiling a list of vendors

EUIPO is setting up a list of economic operators interested in providing independent and hands-on expertise to foster IP cooperation and increase effective awareness in the field of intellectual property rights in both EU and non-EU countries. [...]