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Study on the economic and social importance of the flower industry and PVR protection for Ecuador

This study will show how the production and exportation of roses contribute to Ecuador’s economy. It will follow the structure and methodology of analogue studies carried out by the CPVO in the EU. The study should also prove the importance that the protection of IPRs has for the Ecuadorian flower industry, and at the same time the risk that inadequate protection of rights may mean for that sector.

The study contemplates the following topics:

  • Contribution of the flower industry to the Ecuadorian economy
  • Contribution of the Ecuadorian flower industry to the generation of jobs: number and percentage of jobs generated by the flower sector, including indirect jobs
  • The importance for the Ecuadorian flower industry of constantly having new varieties that are successful in the international market
  • Risks for the Ecuadorian economy and foreign trade if adequate protection of the intellectual property rights of breeders is not ensured
  • Best practices from the EU experience
  • Practical proposals to increase the effectiveness of enforcement of PVR in Ecuador. Resources required


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