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IP Key LA advances in the promotion of the "network effect" and regional cooperation in Panama

To deepen the operational aspects, as well as the benefits and specificities of the Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks, WIPO and the General Directorate of the Registry of Industrial Property (DIGERPI) of Panama, organized a seminar in Panama, together with IP Key Latin America - as proof of its interest in promoting regional cooperation and greater integration in the processing of IPRs.

This seminar served as a space for the exchange of different points of view about the Singapore Treaty and to promote a better understanding of the international trademark protection and registration system. IP Key LA, represented by the IP expert Ernesto Rubio, talked about New types of Trademarks (or Non-traditional Trademarks), the experience of EUIPO in the registration of Trademark Licenses and remedial measures in case of non-compliance with deadlines.

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