Visit of the intellectual property offices of colombia, Peru and Chile to Spain
In order to support Peru, Colombia and Chile in their preparations for possible accession to the Madrid Protocol and the Hague System, representatives from these countries visited the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO - Alicante) and the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM) between 18 and 22 September. The visit was organised by the IP Key Latin America project, funded by the European Union. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) also collaborated in this initiative.
Thanks to the Madrid Protocol, a single international registration of a trademark allows the trademark to be protected in 130 countries. The Hague System is similar, allowing for international design protection. With the implementation of these systems in Colombia, Chile and Peru, entrepreneurs and other interested parties could apply for international protection of their designs and trademarks in their country, a fundamental step to expand their business beyond their borders. Such a possibility would boost the internationalisation of business in these countries, with the consequent commercial advantages and benefits. Similarly, a trademark or design registered in the European Union through these tools would obtain protection in the markets of these three countries.
This initiative, which improves the knowledge of officials from Latin American countries regarding these mechanisms, has involved, in particular, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) of Colombia, the National Institute for the Defence of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property (INDECOPI) of Peru and the National Institute of Industrial Property (INAPI) of Chile. Although Colombia and Chile are already part of the Madrid System (Chile since July 2022), none of these three countries has yet joined the Hague System.
The visits focused on understanding the management of these system, including accession requirements and preparatory work. Participants were able to exchange experiences and opinions with EUIPO and OEPM experts in both areas. Spain has been a party to the Madrid Protocol since 1892, and the European Union since 2004. In the case of the Hague System, Spain does since 1928 and the European Union since 2008.