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Workshops to promote convergence of practices and tools

Interactive exchanges with selected LA IPOs, bilaterally or in small groups of IPOs with similar interests, focusing on convergence of examination practices (Common Practices) and IP tools on trademarks and designs, including participation of EU experts and presentations from Latin American countries.

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Workshop on patents examination: Medical Patents

New technologies are emerging in the healthcare industry and strongly influence the way we experience medical services. The European Patent Office (EPO) published recent statistics that show a total of 14 295 European patent applications were filed in 2020 in medical technology (MedTech). This represents a rise of 2.6 % from the previous year, making it the highest application sector.

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Webinar on Plant Varieties enforcement

In an effort to strengthen the protection of plant variety rights in Latin America, this important webinar took place on November 27th and 28th. The virtual seminar, aimed at officials from plant variety offices in the region, provided a significant platform for delving into the complex landscape of the enforcement of plant variety rights (PVRs).

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Seminar on Plant Varieties in Ecuador

The inaugural seminar on plant varieties in Ecuador, organised by IP Key LA, took place on 8 and 9 June in Tabacundo, the country's flower-growing region. The event was a success, welcoming 53 participants, including small flower growers, breeders, lawyers, and officials from the Andean Community.

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Roving seminars on the importance of IPRs for Business

In Mexico City, IP Key LA and the Panamericana University successfully organized the "Seminar on the Importance of Intellectual Property in Business: IP Valuation" with over 60 attendees. The event featured several panels that addressed topics such as: strategies and fundamentals, asset management, intangible asset valuation, case studies, and best practices.

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Promotion of IP Tools

The activity will focus on the provision of technical support to the integration of data from SEA countries into EUIPO Global tools so that stakeholders in the region will have access to up-to-date and accurate information on trade marks, industrial designs, and geographical indications. The activity also entails the promotion of the tools as part of the other IP Key SEA activities, taking advantage of the different workshops and events, whether virtual or in person.

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