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Chile - Hybrid

GI Seminar for producers and administrators in Chile

The activity aims to raise operator, stakeholder and authority awareness and knowledge of how to develop and market GIs. Specific market-related issues will be studied, including coexistence with trade marks, focusing on cases related to the phasing out of the use of protected names.

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Online seminar

Workshop on the use of GIs in the market for MCS

This activity will contribute to facilitating the adoption of transitional measures and engagement in rebranding strategies in relation to distinctive signs in conflict with EU GIs. It will favour the expansion of GIs among local producers and raise awareness.

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Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala - Hybrid

Geographical Indications Seminar for Central America

IP Key LA successfully organized the Geographical Indications Seminar for Central America, which took place in the city of Antigua, Guatemala,on September 26 and 27. Bringing together leaders from six Central American countries with institutions of the European Union, the main objective of this conferences was to promote the dialogue to improve the protection, promotion and use of geographical indications in the region.

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Guadalajara, México - Hybrid

Leaders from Latin America and the European Union met at the Regional Conference on Geographical Indications

From September 22nd to the 24th, in Jalisco, Mexico, leaders from 16 Latin American countries, together with authorities from European Union organizations, participated in the Regional Conference on Geographical Indications. Being this event one more effort by IP KEY LA to promote dialogue between the two parties, in order to implement the best practices and policies in the region.

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Economic impact study for Brazil

This study aims to provide evidence on the economic importance of IPRs for Brazil and to present it in a way that policy makers can easily use it in their work and it can serve as a tool for raising IP awareness among policy-makers and Brazilian citizens. Specifically, in terms of content, it aims to assess the combined contribution of industries that make intensive use of the various types of IPR to the economy of Brazil.

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Online seminar

Virtual Workshop on Mediation: Intellectual Property Cases

On 15 December 2022, representatives from 16 Latin American countries attended the ‘Virtual Workshop on Mediation: Intellectual Property Cases’, organised by the EUIPO and IP Key Latin America (LA).

The main objective of the activity was to contribute to raise awareness among SMEs and IP rights holders about alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation.

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Cartagena de Indias, Colombia - Hybrid

Conference promoting the accession to international Treaties (Madrid protocol and the Hague agreement)

The aim of this activity is to build on the celebration of the 10 years of accession of Mexico and Colombia to the Madrid Protocol, by organising a conference promoting accession to both the Madrid Protocol and the Hague Agreement. This conference will also be an opportunity to present the findings of the seven studies developed within IP Key LA, and for Latin American countries to share their experience among themselves. Furthermore, this activity will serve to give support to those countries interested in joining the Hague and the Madrid Protocols.

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Workshop on non-traditional trade mark examination: new developments and exchanging views

On 28-29 June, IP Key Latin America held a virtual workshop on the examination procedure for non-traditional trade marks, bringing together over 150 officials and trade mark examiners from all 16 Latin American IP Offices.

The seminar aimed to provide training on non-traditional trade marks to Latin American examiners, as well as promoting best practices in order to increase transparency, legal certainty and predictability for the benefit of examiners and users alike.

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On-Demand support related to FTA negotiations and IP Dialogues

As the IP Key SEA Action is designed to facilitate FTA negotiations and IP Dialogues, the project will provide technical expertise and assistance geared towards strengthening knowledge-based policy making in SEA countries through the conduct of IP studies and other forms of assistance as needed. This activity will cover initiatives identified with FTA partner countries in SEA, such as reports, studies, seminars, or meetings, among others, which should be useful in ensuring positive results in the negotiations and dialogues.

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