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M. Vittori - Protection of GIs on the online market from the producer’s perspective | 从生产者角度来看线上市场的地理标志保护

Presentation on Protection of Geographical Indications in the online market which took place on 2 December. 线上市场的地理标志保护在线研讨会演讲文稿,于12月2日举办。


Trade Secret Systems in the EU and China: Workshop

The results of the in depth study on the Trade Secrets system in China were presented in front of an online and offline audience of government officials, academia and businesses from the European Union. Proposals to improve the legal system and practice were discussed by participants. Some of the recommendations included (not limited):

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Public consultation: Revision of the EU GI systems

The European Union protects more than three thousand names of agricultural products and foodstuffs, fisheries and aquaculture, wines, spirit drinks and aromatised wine products, under one of its EU quality schemes: Geographical Indication (GI), Protected Designations of Origin (PDO), Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) and Traditional Speciality Guaranteed (TSG).

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South-East Asia

Integration in TMview, DesignView and TMclass

This activity supports the integration of SEA IP offices in the EUIPO global databases, which assure the accessibility of updated information on trade marks (TMview) and industrial designs (DesignView) for the benefit of IP stakeholders worldwide. The countries targeted for integration are Indonesia (TMview and DesignView), Malaysia (DesignView), Singapore (TMview and DesignView), Thailand (DesignView and TMclass), and Vietnam (TMview and DesignView).



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South-East Asia

Webinar on Trade Secrets

To underline the importance of trade secrets as a form of intellectual property rights and the benefits businesses can gain from having their trade secrets protected, IP Key South-East Asia (SEA) organised the ‘Webinar on Trade Secrets’ on 26 March 2021. The webinar raised awareness on the protection of trade secrets in the EU and in the SEA region and the remedies business owners use should their trade secrets be misappropriated.

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South-East Asia

Legal Training on UPOV 1991

IP Key South-East Asia (SEA) Project organised a ‘Legal Training on UPOV 1991’ on 17 and 18 June 2021. Plant variety protection and intellectual property officials underwent a training on the legal provisions of the UPOV 1991 Convention. The training was delivered by experts from the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) and the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV).




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South-East Asia

Webinars on Plant Variety Protection and UPOV 1991

On 10 and 11 June 2021, IP Key South-East Asia (SEA) organised ‘Webinars on Plant Variety Protection and UPOV 1991’. This online event is a follow-up to the webinar series organised by the IP Key SEA in collaboration with the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) and with the cooperation of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) in November 2020.

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Indonesia and the Philippines

Technical meetings with Examiners on the Trade Mark Guidelines

As a follow-up to the support provided by IP Key South-East Asia (SEA) Project on the drafting of trade mark guidelines, the project will organise virtual technical meetings with Trade Mark Examiners of Indonesia, the Philippines, Viet Nam and Thailand on 24, 25 and 28 February 2022. The training sessions will clarify any doubts or questions the users may have regarding the guidelines. The technical meeting will also ensure that the interpretation and application of the guidelines is consistent.

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