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EU-China online workshop on the impact of 2019 E-Commerce Law of the People’s Republic of China


EU-China online workshop on the impact of 2019 E-Commerce Law of the People’s Republic of China

Since China’s new e-commerce law took effect on 1 January 2019, legislation has been developing around its implementation. The law covers all e-commerce activities, both domestic and cross-border, reflecting the growth of the sector. Issues around the online trade of goods and services and innovation in IP protection have become an important part of the EU’s and China’s economic, legislative and public security agenda.

In this context, IP Key China and CAASA (the China Anti-infringement and Anti-counterfeiting Innovation Strategic Alliance) organised an online workshop on 17 November to facilitate the knowledge exchange between the EU and China. The speakers from Alibaba, European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, delivered keynote speeches on the main changes and challenges faced by industry and platforms since China’s new e-commerce las has taken effect, non-legislative measures in this sector, innovation tools for IP protection and the feasibility of a collaborative MoU for e-commerce stakeholders in the context of the Chinese legal system.  This workshop laid the groundwork for a later conference and new IP Key study commissioned on intellectual property rights protection within the framework of e-commerce.

Please find the agenda for specific information of the webinars. 

Find here PPT presentations:

The recorded webinar is available below:

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