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IP Key China official launch

IP Key China officially launches today in Beijing, during an event attended by Christian Archambeau, EUIPO Deputy Executive Director, Mr Chen Fuli, Director General of China’s Ministry of Commerce, and representatives of the European Commission and the EU Delegation to China.   [...]

Celebrating EU-China IP Cooperation

A balance of IP Key (2013-2017) An event to celebrate the successful completion of four years of cooperation in the field of IP between the EU and China through the last cycle of the IP Key project (2013-2017), implemented by the EUIPO, took place on 2 June 2017 in Brussels on the margins of the 19th EU-China IP Summit. [...]

19th EU-China Working Group Meeting

The 19th meeting of the EU-China IP Working Group was held on Friday 11th November at the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium. The Working Group meeting  supports the EU-China IP Dialogue and was thefirst time the session was held in Europe. [...]

18th EU-China IP Working Group Meeting

The 18th meeting of the EU-China IP Working Group was held in support of the EU-China IP Dialogue on Tuesday 31st May 2016 at MOFCOM in Beijing, China.  Co-chaired by Mr Fernando Perreau de Pinninck, recently appointed as the Head of Unit, DG Trade, European Commission  and Mr Chen Fuli, Deputy Director  General, Treaty and Law Department, MOFCOM. [...]

OHIM is now the European Union Intellectual Property Office

OHIM is now known as the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), the Community trade mark is now called the European Union trade mark. With this amendment there are also revisions of  the fees payable to the Office, including an overall reduction in their amounts, particularly in the case of trade mark renewal fees. The Office’s online application forms and fee calculator have been automatically updated to reflect the new system. [...]

Endorsement of IP Key's Yearly Action Plan 2016

The Third Yearly Action Plan (YAP3) of IP Key for 2016 has been endorsed on 19 January 2016 after close consultation with all project stakeholders, including 15 Chinese agencies and ministries under the coordination of MOFCOM. The project’s third action plan is ambitious and, as in the past, continues to cover all areas of IP. Areas of intervention include trademarks and unfair competition; patents and innovation policies; designs; copyrights and related rights; trade secrets; geographical indications; and enforcement among others. [...]

China joins the EU Designview IP database

As of 14 September 2015, the State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China (SIPO), the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO), and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) have made their industrial design data available to the Designview tool, a searchable database for IP users set up by the EU's IP office OHIM (Office for the Harmonisation in the Internal Market). [...]

IP Key Meets 15 Chinese Agencies for YAP3

On the 24th of August, IP Key met with 15 key Chinese agencies dealing with IP issues to discuss the Yearly Action Action Plan for 2016 (YAP3).  In the meeting Benoit Missone gave an update of the activities carried out  between IP Key and  Chinese agencies and Chinese agencies had the opportunity to comment and give suggestions for future activties. The YAP process started in July when an email was sent to EU stakeholders to solicit feedback.  YAP3 will be carried out over six months as IP Key will wrap up in June 2016 after three  successful years of cooperation. [...]