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Past Activities

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Joint Statement of the 20th EU-China Summit welcomes launch of IP Key China

The 20th EU-China Summit was held on 16 July 2018. H.E. Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, H.E. Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, and H.E. Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, met in Beijing for the Summit.  [...]

The 8th EU-China IPR Working Group Meeting

The 8th EU-China IPR Working Group Meeting will take place in Shanghai from 5th- 8th June. The meeting in the context of the Action Plan 2018-2020 concerning EU-China Customs Cooperation aims at enhancing IPR enforcement activities of customs, and supporting practical cooperation on IPR enforcement between the authorities at local level in the EU and China. [...]

Study Visits to the EU with the LAC on the reform of the Patent and Copyright Laws

Between 27th of May and 4th of June, a Chinese delegation composed of 12 officials of the Legislative Affairs Commission at the Standing Committee of the PRC National People’s Congress (LAC) participated in a Study Visit in Europe, organised by IP Key China. Different expert roundtables, workshops and peer-to-peer meetings were organized during the visits in Madrid, Prague and Rome. [...]

Follow IP Key on social media!

Coinciding with the launch of the new website, IPKey is also now live on Twitter and Linkedin. Follow us to get the latest updates on the activities of all IP Key projects in real time: IP news, events, analysis, tools and many other resources. Check us out at: Twitter: @IPKey_EU Linkedin: [...]

IP Key China official launch

IP Key China officially launches today in Beijing, during an event attended by Christian Archambeau, EUIPO Deputy Executive Director, Mr Chen Fuli, Director General of China’s Ministry of Commerce, and representatives of the European Commission and the EU Delegation to China.   [...]

Celebrating EU-China IP Cooperation

A balance of IP Key (2013-2017) An event to celebrate the successful completion of four years of cooperation in the field of IP between the EU and China through the last cycle of the IP Key project (2013-2017), implemented by the EUIPO, took place on 2 June 2017 in Brussels on the margins of the 19th EU-China IP Summit. [...]

19th EU-China Working Group Meeting

The 19th meeting of the EU-China IP Working Group was held on Friday 11th November at the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium. The Working Group meeting  supports the EU-China IP Dialogue and was thefirst time the session was held in Europe. [...]