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Mercosur and Chile

Interactive webinar organised by IP Key Latin America brings together judges from Chile and Mercosur

With the participation of judges from Chile and Mercosur, IP Key Latin America held the Seminar for Magistrates on Violations of Intellectual Property Rights in the Digital Environment.

EU Member State judge Dr Angel Galgo Peco discussed a selection of cases from the European Union to illustrate the most common recurring problems, as well as the processes and legal solutions put in place to manage them.

In his introduction and referring to the significance of the digital sector in Europe, Dr Galgo Peco stressed that ‘the economic importance of this sector is enormous. In Europe, I would say from statistical studies that a very important part of GDP is linked to this sector’. He also characterised the Latin American region as a thriving market.

The Spanish judge, who participated in a similar IP Key-organised activity for judges in 2019, went on to describe the most common form of infringement in the digital sector: making protected work accessible via the internet without the author’s consent. ‘Bad guys think a lot, so the diversity of offending behaviours is increasing’, he warned. He then presented the selected cases, focusing mainly on copyright, and, in particular, variations in the scope and methodology of infringement.

During the second day of the seminar, judges from the various participating countries discussed their own selected cases and the common aspects among them.

This exchange of knowledge consolidates the intellectual property network in the region and improves the working practice of participating judges.



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