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Presentation of studies: 1) Guidelines on Designs for the Andean Community, and 2) Fea

This activity is designed to provide the target audience with complete information about the conduct of both studies, their content and the way in which they were carried out. In addition to the presentation, an academic event will be held, with topics related to both studies: designs and community branding.

Specifically, the event seeks to address the issue of registrations of designs in the Andean Community, and at the same time promote incorporation into the Hague system for designs. Regarding trade marks, the activity is designed to provide the target audience with an understanding of the benefits of having a community trade mark system. The European Union trade mark system will be presented as a model.

The event will be held at the SGCAN in Lima, Peru, and will be transmitted in a hybrid format to the rest of the CAN countries.


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