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The first IP Key Labs had more than 500 participants

On 9 March, ‘The Metaverse and Intellectual Property’ webinar was presented live, the first webinar of the pilot programme to be implemented during 2023 by IP Key Latin America. The main topics presented, which focused on current practices in the metaverse, were copyright and trade mark issues and demands for intellectual property infringements.

Diego Guzmán (Externado University, Colombia), Cristina Mesa (Garrigues, Spain), and Aurelio López-Tarruella (Director of the Chair on the Metaverse at the University of Alicante) presented on these topics to more than 500 participants online for over an hour, thanks to the high level of interaction.

The Metabirkins case (Mason Rothschild versus Hermès) was exposed by Cristina Mesa as an example of unauthorised trade mark use on the web. She also spoke in detail about the concept of NFTs. Diego Guzmán explained blockchain technology and how it works to generate content, putting the spotlight on the advantages of copyright in the metaverse. Finally, and quoting Aurelio López-Tarruella talking about the long-term needs for intellectual property rights in the current virtual world, ‘In the Metaverse, there are certain particularities we are faced with short-term, and structural challenges. There are certain rules that are not adapted and must be adapted.’

If you missed it and are interested in the subject, we will share the link to our YouTube channel where you can access the complete online session. The PDF’s used by the speakers are also available.



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