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Fact Finding Missions through South East Asia

During the two Fact Finding Missions through South East Asia, held between October and November 2017, contacts with a vast array of stakeholders gave rise to numerous ideas and areas of mutual cooperation. IP Key SEA team held more than 15 meetings with more than 40 stakeholders from 4 countries –representing both EU and local interests. The IP Key project clearly attained the main goals of the inception phase, namely to:

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Fact-finding mission

A second fact-finding mission has been carried out in the Philippines between 9-10 November 2017. The meetings held served as platform for highlighting status, developments and possible challenges regarding the launch of the project, and the identification of interest areas, expectations and priorities of Philippine Government and Industry representatives.

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Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia

Fact-finding mission

The fact-finding mission carried out between 18-26 October 2017 in Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia allowed for liaising with key stakeholders, including EU Delegations in the countries visited, EU trade and business representatives, line Ministries and IP Offices and other relevant stakeholders.

Already during the course of the mission, a strong interest in IP Key SEA was perceived. This allowed the Project Management Team to rapidly map a set of activities to be implemented during the first project’s year, identifying forthcoming challenges and opportunities.

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IP Key Latin America - Official launch in Mexico City

Today the project IP Key Latin America is officially launched at the Hotel Camino Real Polanco in Mexico City. The launching event is attended by Mr Miguel Ángel Margáin, Director General of the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI), Mrs Immaculada Roca i Cortes, Deputy Head of the European Union Delegation to Mexico, Mr Javier Moreno, Head of International Cooperation Service from the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and Antonio Berenguer, team leader of EU-Funded projects, EUIPO.

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El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua

Fact-finding mission to Central America

During the fourth mission to the region, the project delegation met a number of important stakeholders in the region, in particular staff at the Secretary of Economic Integration of Central America (SIECA), compiling further suggestions for future activities. Moreover the visit permitted to fine tune a number of organizational aspects connected with the setup of the project office in Mexico.

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Colombia, Ecuador and Peru

Fact-finding mission to the Andean Region

During this third visit to the region, the IP Key project delegation met with some 50 stakeholders in 20 different meetings across major countries of the Andean region, where activities pertaining to areas of mutual interest (up to 40) were identified.

Specifically the project delegation visited the headquarters of the Andean Community (CAN) and met with its Secretary General. The project was also presented during a session of the IP Dialogue regarding the Association Agreement between the EU and its FTA partners in the region.

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Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay

Fact-finding mission to MERCOSUR and Chile

The IP Key project journey through Latin America started with a first visit to MERCOSUR countries and Chile, where the project was presented to 95 stakeholders gathered in 30 meetings across seven major cities in the region. More than 100 ideas for future activities and areas of mutual interest were discussed and considered for inclusion in the project’s first Annual Work Plan.

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