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EU-China IP Academia Cooperation Workshop

In the margins of the EU-China IP Forum, IP Key will be organised a follow up workshop to further develop EU-China academia cooperation in the field of intellectual property.  

This workshop aimed to develop some of the components of the EU-China IP Research and Network agreed during the feasibility study workshop held in June 2016.

In particular the EU-China Research and Networking program and the EU-China IP Research and Network Portal.

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Angers, France and Brussels, Belgium

Study visit to Europe to investigate the feasibility of China’s accession to UPOV ‘91

IP Key and Chinese experts selected by China’s Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) and China’s State Forestry Administration (SFA) (the “study team”) held a series of roundtables from July 4th-7th 2016 in Europe (Angers and Brussels) as part of an ongoing feasibility study on China’s potential accession to UPOV ’91. The Chinese study team met with European stakeholders to discuss the impacts of UPOV ’91 accession in the EU, and issues related to China’s potential accession to UPOV ’91.

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Nanning, Guangxi

Experts’ Roundtables on the reform of the Anti-Unfair Competition Law (AUCL)

With the new draft Chinese Anti-Unfair Competition Law recently passed to the Legislative Affairs Commission of the National People’s Congress (LAC) for final revision and enactment, the European Commission and the State Administration for Industry & Commerce of China partnered in a two-day seminar and expert roundtable in Nanning, Guangxi, with the technical support of IP Key.

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18th EU-China IP Working Group Meeting

The 18th meeting of the EU-China IP Working Group was held in support of the EU-China IP Dialogue on Tuesday 31st May 2016 at MOFCOM in Beijing, China.  Co-chaired by Mr Fernando Perreau de Pinninck, recently appointed as the Head of Unit, DG Trade, European Commission  and Mr Chen Fuli, Deputy Director  General, Treaty and Law Department, MOFCOM.

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Munich, Paris and Rome

SPC Study Visit on Court Organisation, Management and Efficiency

China and most EU member states are countries of civil law system therefore they share commonalities to a large degree in their intellectual property legislation and judicial adjudication practices.  IP Key project is organising a study visit on court organisation, management and efficiency. 10 Chinese judges will visit three EU member states (Germany, France and Italy) from 20-29 June, 2016.  The Chinese delegation is composed of judges from the SPC, Beijing IP Court, Shanghai IP Court, Guangzhou IP Court and two provincial high courts.


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Stakeholder roundtable on feasibility of China’s accession to UPOV ‘91

The IP Key Project and China’s Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) and State Forestry Administration (SFA) are holding a Stakeholder roundtable on feasibility of China’s accession to UPOV ‘91 on May 31st 2016 at the Ministry of Agriculture’s headquarters in Beijing. The roundtable is one part of ongoing research for a feasibility study on China’s potential accession to UPOV ‘91 that IP Key is facilitating for a team of Chinese researchers selected by the MoA and SFA.

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Customs Enforcement of IP in E-commerce

The European Chamber, South China Chapter and Consulates General of EU Member States in Guangzhou, with support from the EU Delegation to China and IP Key Project, are pleased to invite you to a seminar focusing on Customs enforcement of IP in e-commerce.

Customs enforcement of IP in e-commerce

Seminar and cocktail reception,

Keynote address by HE Hans-Dietmar Schweisgut, Ambassador of the European Union to China

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Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights Online : Discussing Business Solutions between China and Europe - Seminar and break-out sessions

On June 2nd, 2016 in Beijing, the EU Delegation to China and Mongolia and the Ministry of Commerce of China, with the technical and logistical support of the IP Key Action, hosted a full day event to talk about business solutions to the infringement of Intellectual Property Rights on e-commerce.

The European Commission and MOFCOM have long called for “reinforced cooperation”as well as committed to jointly work together towards finding sustainable solutions to the problem of IP counterfeiting online.

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