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Brussels, Europe

EU-China Customs Cooperation on IPR Enforcement

  3rd Meeting of the IPR Working Group

Workshop on "Efficient Communication between Customs and Businesses on IPR Border Enforcement"

In the context of the EU-China Customs Cooperation Action Plan (2014-2017) on IPR Enforcement, IP Key is organising the “3rd IPR Working Group Meeting” and a workshop on "Efficient Communication between Customs and Businesses on IPR Border Enforcement”.

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China IPR SME Helpdesk Webinar Invitation

IP Key, the China IPR SME Helpdesk and the EU SME Centre will deliver a webinar on “Entering China’s Food & Beverage Market”. Together they will discuss the current landscape of the Chinese F&B market and the methods EU SMEs should take when considering entering the market. The webinar will focus on F&B products in the wine, olive oil, beer and spirits sectors and how these products can be protected through Intellectual Property and GIs.

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Alicante, Spain

Workshop on promotion of TMclass

IP Key facilitated the participation of two participants from the SAIC to a workshop addressed to non-EU offices which have integrated IT tools. The Chinese participants were involved only in the workshop session dedicated to TMclass as it is the only tool which the SAIC has integrated this far, in particular regarding data set management in the Terminology Maintenance Console (TMC).

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Shenzhen, Guangdong Province

EU-China Workshop on IP issues in Anti-Unfair Competition Law

The China-EU Seminar on the Reform of PRC Anti-unfair Competition Law has been co-organized by IP Key and SAIC at the School of Administration of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province on June 10th, 2015 opening a series of technical training sessions for AIC officers organised by SAIC in the same week.

The seminar was addressed on the aspects as below:

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Shanghai and Ningbo, China

Customs Officers Study Visit to China

In the context of the EU-China Action Plan (2014-2017) on IPR Customs Enforcement of IPR, IP Key organised a study visit of two customs officers from European member states to China from May 25 to 29, 2015. After the two working group meetings respectively held in Ningbo, China (May 6 to 9, 2014) and Rome, Italy (November 25 to 27, 2014), this visit aims at contributing to the Key Action 5 (KA5) – Exchange of knowledge and experience of each other’s IPR enforcement policies and practices – as set out by the aforementioned Action Plan. 

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Netherlands, Hungary & Romania

Peer to peer exchanges in the EU on criminal IPR law policy and enforcement practices with the Ministry of Public Security and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of the PRC

Counterfeiting and piracy, and infringements of intellectual property in general, are a constantly growing phenomenon which nowadays has an international dimension, a serious threat to national economies and governments that appears to be increasingly linked to organized crime. Counterfeiting is considered by large public opinion a “victim-less” crime, while its impact on legal economy and the role of transnational organized criminal organizations seems to be still largely underestimated.

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IP Café on IP Courts organised by IP Key and Sun Yat-sen University

Roundtable discussion regarding the new specialised IP courts on May 14, 2015 in Guanzghou.

Under the context of the recent establishment of Guangzhou’s IP specialised court, the second IP Café will be held in partnership with Sun Yat-sen University and will focus on the new Specialised IP Courts.  Davide Follador, Long term expert of IP Key brings together key experts from the European Union and China, asking them what are their expectations to the development of China’s new specialised IP courts, and its ramifications to enforcement. 

Confirmed speakers

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Inventor remuneration rules workshop

IP Key held a workshop on inventor remuneration rules at Renmin University Law School in Beijing on July 17th 2015. The purpose of this workshop is to provide an understanding of how government-mandated systems for inventor remuneration function in EU Member States and China, and to investigate the impacts of these systems. These insights and related research under IP Key are intended to assess the optimality of state-mandated inventor remuneration rules, with a view to proposing a system that minimises the most avoidable costs and risks therein to employers while encouraging innovation.

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France, Germany

Copyright Enforcement and Collective Management in the Digital Era: NCAC visit to the EU

This study visit aims to keep Chinese copyright administrative authority abreast of the recent regulatory and technical developments in the area of online copyright enforcement and collective management in Europe at a time where Chinese Copyright Law undergoes final legislative review, leading the way to the preparation of secondary legislation in related these areas.

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Academic EU-China Intellectual Property Roundtable

IP Key and Renmin University held the first EU-China IP roundtable with IP academics and judges. The purpose of the roundtable was to discuss how the EU and China, in particular academics, can work together to solve common issues in IP, be it drafting legislation, ways of sharing information and intervention.

This is the first time EU and Chinese academics have come together in this way to share their ideas in an open environment. The feedback from this meeting will help to develop the relationship further in the months to come.

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