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Beijing, Tsinghua University

IP Key Guest Lecture Series - Geographical Indication and the European Legal Framework

IP Key presents the Guest Lecture Series—a series of lectures by experts working in IP industry, academia and institutions from Europe and China. The first lecture will be held at Tsinghua University and is open to students and the general public.

Geographical Indications (GI) and the Legal Framework in Europe

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15th EU-China IP Working Group Meeting

The 15th meeting of the EU-China IP Working Group was held in support of the EU-China IP Dialogue on Wednesday 3rd December at MOFCOM in Beijing, China.  Co-chaired by Mr Anders C Jessen, Head of Unit, DG Trade, European Commission  and Mr Chen Fuli, Deputy Director  General, Treaty and Law Department, MOFCOM.

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Rome, Italy

EU-China Customs Cooperation on IPR Enforcement

EU-China Customs Cooperation on IPR Enforcement – (Action Plan 2014-2017)

2nd Working Group meeting

1st Joint Group Meeting of Risk Management Experts Specialised in IPR

In the context of the EU-China Customs Cooperation Action Plan (2014-2017) on IPR Enforcement, IP Key in conjunction with EC's Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union (DG TAXUD) and the General Administration of Customs P.R.C. (GACC) is organising the 2nd Working Group Meeting and the 1st Joint Group Meeting of Risk Management Experts Specialised in IPR.

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Beijing, Renmin University

IP Key presents IP Cafe -- Discussions on Collective Rights Management in the EU and China

IP Key launched IP Café - a series of open and interactive discussions on current intellectual property issues affecting the development of intellectual property Law in China.

The debates will  feature key experts from Europe and China discussing the issues that shape China’s IP laws and provide thought provoking insight into how to manage and develop them as China continuously moves from a manufacturing led to an innovation led economy. 

Collective Rights Management

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Beijing, China

EU-China Seminar on GI Protection

A Geographical Indication (shortly, GI) is a name or sign used on certain products which corresponds to a specific geographical location or origin (e.g. a town, region, or country), where the use of a GI official logo certifies and ensure consumers that the product possesses certain qualities, is made according to certain (traditional) methods, or enjoys a certain reputation, that is attributable essentially to that geographical origin.

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Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China

Training Conference on IPR Criminal Enforcement

Infringements of IPR and, particularly, counterfeiting and piracy, are a ceaselessly growing phenomenon, which nowadays has an international dimension, representing a serious threat to national economies that appears to be more and more linked to transnational organized crime.

Counterfeiting is still wrongly considered by public opinion as a “victim-less” crime, while the impact of IPR infringements on legal economy and the role of international organized criminal organizations is widely underestimated also by policy makers, not only in China.

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Roundtable on Collective Rights Management

IP Key and the National Copyright Administration of China (NC AC) are organising a roundtable on collective rights management on 26 and 27 November 2014 in Beijing.  The two-day meeting will gather 70 participants from China and Europe to discuss factors shaping the development of collective right management (in particular in relation to the digital era) and address challenges confronting the Chinese CMOs.

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Beijing, China

Official Launch The new EU-China Cooperation on Intellectual Property goes live

Ms Carmen Cano, Deputy Head of the European Delegation to China, Mr Zhang Xiangchen, Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, and Mr António Campinos, President of the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM), today launched the New EU-China Cooperation on Intellectual Property.

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