Study visit on cross-border IP enforcement
Building on recent co-operation with the Ministry of Public Security (MPS), which included a three-day training course on cross-border IP enforcement held in Changchun, China in October 2019, IP Key China led a study visit of six senior Chinese officials to the Netherlands and Belgium from 9 to 15 December 2019.
In the Netherlands, the Deputy Director-General of the Chinese Delegation discussed the latest developments and challenges in criminal investigations with EUROPOL. During the meeting with the Dutch prosecution and customs authorities both sides looked at national level issues, such as best practice in collecting evidence when building public prosecution cases against suspected IPR criminals.
In Brussels, the Chinese delegation met with the European Commission Directorate-General for Economic Inspection before meeting with the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry and the European Brands Association — AIM, two organisations that present the enforcement perspective for European brands and individuals. Several meetings with the European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights took place by video platform to allow speakers from outside Brussels to provide input.
The study visit aimed to build EU-China networks on enforcement matters through in-depth knowledge exchanges while facilitating inter-agency and public-private co-operation.
- Fighting counterfeit goods - OLAF | 打击假冒商品_欧洲反欺诈办公室
- Presentation of Customs of the Netherlands - Grensverleggend | 荷兰海关介绍边境管理处
- Presentation of FIOD - The special investigation service of the Ministry of Finance | 荷兰财政部特别调查机构财政情报调查局介绍
- Direction B – Internet Watch Unit - Directorate-General for Economic Inspection - Fabrice Bihay | 方向B:互联网观察小组_经济监察总司
- Emerging trends in counterfeit: the EU perspective_European Observatory - Massimo Antonilli | 假冒行为新趋势:欧盟视角_欧洲知识产权观察站
- Counterfeiting - The Role of the Directorate General Economic Inspection + Case Studies | 打击假冒_经济监察总司的作用+案例研究
- IP enforcement: operations, cooperation and coordination - Siegmar REISS
- Counterfeit goods - OLAF UNIT B2 | 假冒商品_欧洲反欺诈办公室B2小组
- Criminal Enforcement - IFPI|刑事执法