Trade mark training for examiners from Central American countries, Dominican Republic and Mexico
Due to the current pandemic, an online workshop dedicated to trade marks has been organised by IP key LA, in collaboration with CarIPI. The target group comprises officials, in particular trade mark examiners from the national IP offices of Central America, Mexico and the Dominican Republic.
The overall objective is to promote the adoption of EU standards in examination, protection and enforcement of trade marks, in particular as regards the prevention of bad faith registrations and the registration of non-traditional trademarks.
The presentations of EU standards will be delivered by two experts from the EUIPO and two experts from the Spanish national IP Office (OEPM). The current practices applied in the various national IP Offices of the region will be presented by participants. In addition, the participants have been asked to complete a questionnaire on current practice in the regions. The answers to the questionnaire will be discussed during the workshop.
See the PPT presentations made under this activity:
Topic 1: Non-traditional trademarks – The European practice
- Rebecca Santana Davies, European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) - Marcas no tradicionales y su representación [PDF - ESP] [1.6MB]
- Lourdes Velasco González, Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO) - Marcas no tradicionales, práctica de la OEPM [PDF - ESP] [1.1MB]
- Laia Esteban Guinea, EUIPO (projects in progress, the principles and examples are not the agreed practice within the Member States) - Marcas no tradicionales: marcas de sonido, movimiento, multimedia y hologramas [PDF - ESP] [0.8MB]
Topic 2: Non-traditional trademarks – The practice in the Latin-American Region
- Costa Rica: Silvia Paola Monge Quesada, National Industrial Property Registry (RPI) - Marcas no tradicionales. Oficina de signos distintivos CR [PDF - ESP] [0.5MB]
- El Salvador: Katya Margarita Martínez, National Registry Centre (CNR) - Taller virtual sobre marcas no tradicionales y registros de mala fe [PDF - ESP] [0.9MB]
- Guatemala: Débora Gonzalez, National Intellectual Property Registry (RPI) - Ley de propiedad industrial y su reglamento [PDF - ESP] [0.9MB]
- Honduras: Franklin Omar López Santos, Honduras Intellectual Property Office (DIGEPIH) - Marcas no tradicionales. Experiencia hondureña [PDF - ESP] [0.8MB]
- Mexico: María del Socorro Jiménez Villela, Eduardo Castillo Altamirano, Mexican Industrial Property Institute (IMPI) - Marcas no tradicionales en México [PDF - ESP] [0.4MB]
- Dominican Republic: Lesly Franco, National Industrial Property Office (ONAPI) - Marcas no tradicionales RD [PDF - ESP] [0.6MB]
Topic 3: Bad-faith trademark registration – The European practice
- Rebecca Santana Davies, EUIPO - Mala fe. Según la perspectiva europea [PDF - ESP] [1MB]
- Francisco Ripoll Vázquez, SPTO - Marcas registradas de mala fe. La práctica europea [PDF - ESP] [1.8MB]
Topic 4: Bad-faith trademark registration – The practice in the Latin-American Region
- Costa Rica: Tomás Montenegro Montenegro, RPI - Registros marcarios de mala fe [PDF - ESP] [0.8MB]
- El Salvador: Katya Margarita Martínez, CNR - Registro de mala fe [PDF - ESP] [0.1MB]
- Guatemala: Débora Gonzalez, RPI - Registros de mala fe [PDF - ESP] [0.8MB]
- Honduras: Camilo Bendeck, DIGEPIH - Taller virtual. Marcas registradas de mala fe [PDF - ESP] [0.7MB]
- Mexico: Héctor Hernández Guerrero, IMPI - Nulidad de registro por obtenerse de mala fe [PDF - ESP] [0.4MB]
- Dominican Republic: Lesly Franco, ONAPI - Marcas registradas de mala fe [PDF - ESP] [0.5MB]