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Germany, Belgium and France

The EU-Hong Kong IPR Customs Working Meetings in the EU

Promotion of EU/Hong Kong customs cooperation on IPR enforcement working Group meeting in Brussels and Study visit to Germany, Belgium and France. 4-7 December

IP Key China partnered with DG TAXUD and the Hong Kong Customs & Excise Department the organisation of the visit. EU and HK Customs Officers participated in meetings and “on-the-job” visits to EU airports, seaports and relevant customs offices. The visit aimed at exchange knowledge on risk assessment methodology and control approach.

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Third EU-China IP Academic Forum

An initiative in the framework of the EU-China IP Academic Network, organised by IP Key China and hosted by Fudan University Law School.

The third edition of the EU-China IP Academic Forum took place on 22 November 2018 in Shanghai, hosted by Fudan University Law School.

The Forum aimed at academics from the EU and China to discuss the latest IP topics, research and funding cooperation opportunities as well as the future of the EU-China IP Academic Network (EUCIPAN).

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Hong Kong

The EU-Hong Kong IPR Customs Working Meetings in Hong Kong

From 6-8 November, IP Key China cooperated with the DG TAXUD and the Hong Kong Customs & Excise Department in the organisation of a working group meeting in Hong Kong. Customs officers from 7 EU Member States (Spain, Sweden, UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Italy) together with the Officers from the Hong Kong Customs & Excise Department participated in this activity.

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Xiamen Intermediate People’s Court

IP Café at Xiamen Intermediate People’s Court

On 6 November, co-organised with and hosted by Xiamen Intermediate People’s Court, in cooperation with Xiamen University Intellectual Property Institute and CAASA, IP Key China held an IP Café event, featuring open discussions about IPR protection on e-commerce, across enforcement measures and voluntary cooperation models. Experts, judges and academics from EU and China participated in this event, to exchange views and learn from each other’s experience.

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Bangkok, Thailand

ASEAN IP officials to discuss potential regional IP academy

Representatives from each of the ASEAN IP offices and ARISE+ IPR experts will attend a kick-off meeting in Bangkok on 30-31 October to discuss a feasibility study on the possible establishment of a regional ASEAN IP academy. The participants will discuss and evaluate initial proposals for the study.

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EU and local experts discuss Indonesian Patent Law

A roundtable dialogue between EU and Indonesian experts was held in Jakarta on 24 October to discuss recent developments in relation to the new patent law of Indonesia, and share international best practices on patent examination procedures. Representatives from the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIP) of Indonesia, European Delegation to Indonesia, European Patent Office (EPO), and IP Key SEA participated in the dialogue.

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Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia

SE Asia enforcement authorities to share best practices at IP Key exchange dialogues

IP Key SEA organised exchange dialogues in Viet Nam, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia on 17 - 24 October for local customs authorities to share expertise on IP enforcement practices and border control measures with EU representatives. The activity aimed to further intensify the level of coordination and engagement of local law enforcement authorities in curtailing the trade in IPR infringing goods.

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Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights: Exchange of Best Practices

The activity, which will take place in Chile on the 29th and 30th of October, consists in a seminar where participants will review the types of Copyrights applicable for visual artists, enshrined in Latin American copyright laws. It will also observe the obstacles that may exist in the region for their effective implementation. 

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Sub regional Workshop of Trade mark Experts from Central American Countries and the Dominican Republic

IP Key will participate in the Trade mark Experts Sub Regional Workshop of Central American countries and the Dominican Republic jointly organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and The General Direction of Intellectual Property of Honduras (DIGEPIH). The activity will take place in Tegucigalpa, Honduras between October 17th - 19th, 2018, and is aimed mainly at trade mark examiners.

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