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IP Key LA advances in the promotion of the "network effect" and regional cooperation in Panama

To deepen the operational aspects, as well as the benefits and specificities of the Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks, WIPO and the General Directorate of the Registry of Industrial Property (DIGERPI) of Panama, organized a seminar in Panama, together with IP Key Latin America - as proof of its interest in promoting regional cooperation and greater integration in the processing of IPRs.

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IP Key LA shares experiences and best practices related to Non-Traditional Trademarks in Mexico

Due to the recent reform of the Industrial Property Law in Mexico, that includes the possibility of registration of non-traditional trademarks, the Mexican Institute of Intellectual property (IMPI in Spanish) and the Mexican Confederation of Industrial Chambers (CONCAMIN) held a seminar on the Recent Amendments to the Industrial Property Law on trade mark matters on September 5 in Mexico City. The event covered in-depth the reform elements, their relevance and impact, with the support of national and international stakeholders.

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Amsterdam, Milan, Vienna

2018 Roving Seminars in the EU on the Chinese IP System

European stakeholders can benefit from improved awareness on how to use the patent system in China (comprising invention patents, utility models, and registered designs). IP Key China, in partnership with China’s National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA, formerly SIPO) and European Stakeholders, will continue hosting a range of roving seminars which have taken place in the EU since 2015. These are specifically meant for right holder and right holder associations, IP professionals and other interested parties.

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ARISE + IPR hosted IP commercialisation seminar at Singapore IP Week

ARISE + IPR hosted a seminar on IP commercialisation on 5 September at the IP Week @ SG 2018 conference in Singapore. The seminar entitled ‘Generating Value From Ideas: IP in the Innovation Ecosystem, Key Players and Success Factors’ focused on IP policies and best practices that foster innovation and creativity, for the benefit of the business representatives, rights holders, investors, legal practitioners, officials and academics participating with the final aim to foster regional and economic integration in the ASEAN region.

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Innovation, Business and Intellectual Property

Intellectual property is a powerful tool for investment, growth and job creation. Furthermore, knowing how to manage and exploit IP opens the door to innovation and competitiveness, both in Europe and in Latin America.

For this reason, IP Key Latin America has launched a series of initiatives to support companies, SMEs, universities and other economic actors, focused on the use of IPR in the different stages of the innovation process in a global context or within the framework of transnational association agreements.

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Workshop tackles online piracy and trade in counterfeit goods

The IP Key SEA team collaborated with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the ASEAN Secretariat (ASEC) in conducting the ‘Workshop on Criminal Enforcement Against Online Trade in Pirated Content and Counterfeit Goods’ in Bangkok starting on 21 August. The three-day workshop focuses on practical implementation of national policies in the area of IP enforcement in the online environment. 

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Workshop tackles online piracy and trade in counterfeit goods

The IP Key SEA team collaborated with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the ASEAN Secretariat (ASEC) in conducting the ‘Workshop on Criminal Enforcement Against Online Trade in Pirated Content and Counterfeit Goods’ in Bangkok starting on 21 August. The three-day workshop focused on practical implementation of national policies in the area of IP enforcement in the online environment. 

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DIP charity marathon highlights IP piracy prevention in Thailand

The ARISE + IPR and IP Key SEA programmes were pleased to support the Department of Intellectual Property (DIP) ‘Stop Piracy’ Mini Marathon held in Bangkok on 19 August. The ARISE + IPR and IP Key SEA teams joined colleagues from the DIP and over 2,500 participants for a 5am start to the event. The marathon consisted of both 3km and 10km circuits.

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Trademarks and industrial designs benefit IP officials and local businesses

Between 10-15 August, the IP Key SEA team organized a series of seminars on trademarks and industrial designs for stakeholders in three ASEAN Member States. ‘The Roving Seminar for IP Officials on the Registration and Enforcement of Trademarks and Industrial Designs’ was held in Indonesia and Thailand, while the ‘Roving Seminar on EU Trademarks and Community Designs for EU and Southeast Asian Companies’ took place in Thailand and Viet Nam.

Viet Nam

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Ciudad de México

Seminar on the recent amendments to the Industrial Property law on trade mark matters in Mexico

In the context of the recent reform of the Industrial Property Law in Mexico, that includes the possibility of registration of non-traditional trademarks, the Mexican Institute of Intellectual property (IMPI in Spanish) and the Mexican Confederation of Industrial Chambers (CONCAMIN) will organise a Seminar on the Recent Amendments to the Industrial Property Law on trade mark process on September 5th 2018 in Mexico City.

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