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SMEs and Intellectual Property: how to escape the middle-income trap

Talks about avoiding or escaping the middle-income trap are widespread around the world, not least in South-East Asia, where only two out of ten countries – Brunei and Singapore – are currently in the high-income bracket ([1]). It has become increasingly obvious that innovation is the key to escaping this trap. While technology transfer and direct foreign investment have brought much wealth to many economies in previous decades, this development pathway has its limits.

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Geographical indications in Brazil: Manzanilla de Mandirituba and Cachaça de Paraty

In January 2024, through its National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), Brazil recognised two new geographical indications (GIs) that highlight the richness of its agricultural heritage. In Mandirituba – a municipality in the state of Paraná – dehydrated camomile obtained the first GI registration of 2024. This recognised indication of origin joins 110 other GIs across the country. Mandirituba is responsible for 30 % of Paraná’s camomile production, as well as driving innovation with broad applications in the food and cosmetics industries.

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Viet Nam joins DESIGNview

As of 2 February 2024, the Intellectual Property Office of Viet Nam (IP Viet Nam) has made its industrial designs data available to the DESIGNview search tool.

With IP Viet Nam on board of DESIGNview, the tool now contains data from 76 participating offices.

With the addition of more than 52.295 industrial designs from IP Viet Nam, DESIGNview now provides information and access to more than 21,2 million industrial designs in total.

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Guatemala joins DESIGNclass

As of 29 January 2024, the Registry of Intellectual Property of Guatemala (RPI-GT) is part of Design Class and will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database of product indications (HDBPI).

Following RPI-GT’s decision to use HDBPI, there are now 18 IP offices outside the European Union (EU) in DesignClass that use and accept the terms from this harmonised database. With this incorporation, the total number of participating IP offices increases to 44.

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IP Key LA presents the Annual Work Plan 2024

IP Key LA and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) have unveiled the Annual Work Plan for 2024. This strategic plan seeks to strengthen collaboration in intellectual property (IP) between the European Union and Latin America.

Scheduled from 1 January to 31 December 2024, the Annual Work Plan (AWP3-2024) comprises 22 activities that strategically designed to impact key IPR areas.

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IP Key SEA Publishes Third Annual Work Plan

The IP Key SEA project has published the third annual work plan (AWP) for its second phase, comprising 21 activities and covering areas of intellectual property (IP) rights that range from copyright to patents, trade marks and industrial designs, geographical indications (GIs), plant variety rights and trade secrets.

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