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Forum on Industry Cooperation Against IP Infringements
The activity continues the progressive approach adopted since Phase I of the IP Key SEA project,…SEA IP Mediation Conference
This activity seeks to enhance the skills and capacities of SEA IP Mediation officials by sharing…Workshop on the Identification of Counterfeit Goods
The annual workshop organised by the IP Key SEA project continues to provide a platform for the…Advanced Training on Patent Search and Examination
The activity entails the continuation of the advanced training programme that the project has been…Other news
SE Asia officials discuss international plant variety protection benefits
The benefits to farmers, plant breeders, and to the economic development of membership of countries to the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV Convention) were discussed with officials from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Viet Nam at an IP Key SEA confe [...]
Southeast Asian officials join study visit on plant variety protection in Viet Nam
IP Key SEA organised a study visit on plant variety protection (PVP) in Viet Nam on 5-6 November for officials from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. [...]
EU and local experts discuss developments in the Indonesian Patent Law
A roundtable discussion between EU and Indonesian experts was held in Jakarta on 24 October to share recent developments in relation to the new patent law of Indonesia as well as international best practices on patent examination procedures. [...]
SE Asia customs authorities share best practices at IP Key dialogues
IP Key SEA organised dialogues in Viet Nam, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia on 17 - 24 October for local customs authorities to share expertise on IP enforcement practices and border control measures with EU experts. [...]
Italian producers showcase importance of IP protections to visiting SE Asia officials
The directors-general and other senior representatives from several Southeast Asian intellectual property (IP) offices met with local producers in northern Italy from 28 September to 1 October to gain a better understanding of how geographical indications (GI) contribute to economic development. [...]
Senior Southeast Asian IP officials discuss new IP tools with EU counterparts
The directors-general and other senior officials from the Southeast Asian intellectual property (IP) offices discussed a range of new IP tools during a forum with European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) representatives held in Geneva on 26 September.
[...]ARISE + IPR hosted IP commercialisation seminar at Singapore IP Week
ARISE + IPR hosted a seminar on IP commercialisation on 5 September at the IP Week @ SG 2018 conference in Singapore. [...]
Workshop tackles online piracy and trade in counterfeit goods
The IP Key SEA team collaborated with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the ASEAN Secretariat (ASEC) in conducting the ‘Workshop on Criminal Enforcement Against Online Trade in Pirated Content and Counterfeit Goods’ in Bangkok starting on 21 August. [...]
DIP charity marathon highlights IP piracy prevention in Thailand
The ARISE + IPR and IP Key SEA programmes were pleased to support the Department of Intellectual Property (DIP) ‘Stop Piracy’ Mini Marathon held in Bangkok on 19 August. The ARISE + IPR and IP Key SEA teams joined colleagues from the DIP and over 2,500 participants for a 5am start to the event. [...]
Trademarks and industrial designs benefit IP officials and local businesses
Between 10-15 August, the IP Key SEA team organized a series of seminars on trademarks and industrial designs for stakeholders in three ASEAN Member States. [...]