2019 EU-China conference on IPR protection online and innovation
IP Key China and the China Anti-infringement and Anti-counterfeiting Innovation Strategic Alliance (CAASA) co-hosted a two-day event in Haikou, China on 21 and 22 November 2019. This year’s event built on the theme of online counterfeiting and piracy, which was the focus of the IP Key China-CAASA conference held in November 2018. This year, the event featured presentations from the EU Delegation to China, the Ministry of Commerce, Alibaba, Tencent, Nike and other rights holders, enforcement authorities and law firms from the EU and China.
On the first day of the event, IP Key China unveiled its new study: Lessons from the EU experience with memoranda of understanding in tackling the online sale of counterfeit goods. After the main findings and recommendations of the research had been presented, a panel that included e-Commerce platform representatives discussed the study. Other forums during the event included Combating counterfeiting and piracy in the F&B and pharmaceutical industries, which took a sectoral approach to the threat of counterfeit and shoddy goods to consumer health and included presentations on how consumer demand can sometimes inadvertently fuel a rise in intellectual property crime. Elsewhere, other forums, such as New technical tools to combat online counterfeiting and piracy, expanded on the risks and opportunities for the protection of intellectual property created by developments in social media, blockchain and other emerging technologies.
The event attracted over 500 participants as well as over 280 000 viewers via an online stream. Please click here to find the agenda. For further information of this event, please contact Andrea Caballe: andrea.caballe@ipkey.eu
- Online IP Protection through Strategic Cooperation with Platforms | CBBC | Nora Zhang 战略合作框架下的线上平台知识产权保护 | 英中贸易协会 | 张诺 [PDF - 2MB] [EN,CN]
- Combatting Counterfeits in Alcohol/Beverage Industry | Lusheng Law Firm [PDF - 1.5MB] [EN]
- Latest challenges in Pharmaceutical Industry | SANOFI | Victor Shao 新形势下的制药行业假冒挑战 | 赛诺菲 | 邵克亮 [PDF - 1MB] [EN,CN]
- On-line Anti-Counterfeiting actions in the eyes of E-commerce Law | HFG Law Firm | Daniel De Prado [PDF - 0.7MB] [EN]
- EU MOU on Advertising and IPR | Preventing Ad Funded Online IPR Infringement | White Bullet | Peter Syszko 欧盟关于广告和知识产权保护的谅解备忘录 | 防止广告资助的网上知识产权侵权 [PDF - 1.4MB] [EN,CN]
- Brand Protection With An Impact | New technical tools to combat counterfeits and piracy online | PointerBP China & APAC | Leo Yan [PDF - 1.2MB] [EN]
- Lessons from the EU experience with Memoranda of Understanding to tackle the online sale of counterfeit goods 关于打击互联网销售仿冒商品备忘录的欧盟经验分享与讨论 [PDF - 1.7MB] [EN,CN]
- IP Key China study_Lessons from the EU experience with memoranda of understanding in tackling the online sale of counterfeit goods [PDF - 1.8MB] [EN]
- IP Key中国研究_关于打击互联网销售仿冒商品备忘录的欧盟经验分享 [PDF - 1.6MB] [CN]
- Annexes [PDF - 1.8MB] [EN, CN]