2023年12月13日,中欧数字环境下版权保护研讨会于中国哈尔滨成功召开,标志着IP Key中国项目和中国国家版权局再度深度合作。
中国国家版权局版权管理局局长王志成、黑龙江省委宣传部党务副部长谭宇宏以及IP Key中国项目负责人白霁珊女士分别致辞开幕词。
- Application of the Right of Making Available to the Public, with Special Attention to the Question of “Online Exhaustion” - Mihaly FICSOR - EN-CN [PDF - 4.29MB]
- China’s Copyright Protection of Musical Works in Digital Era - LIU Ping - EN-CN [PDF - 3.77MB]
- Copyright and the training of generative AI- An EU perspective - Eleonora ROSATI - EN-CN [PDF - 4.25MB]
- Copyright Protection of Written Works in Digital Environment in China - ZHANG Hongbo - EN-CN [PDF - 2.44MB]
- Direction of Revising Copyright Regulations in China - WANG Qian - EN-CN [PDF - 1.52MB]
- Internet Music Content Protection and Music Industry Development - ZHANG Xiaoyue - EN-CN [PDF - 1.07MB]
- Liability of internet platforms under EU IP law- Between case law and legislative action - Eleonora ROSATI - EN-CN [PDF - 2.68MB]
- Opportunities and Challenges of Content Service Platforms in the Digital Era - WANG Ruiting - EN-CN [PDF - 4.92MB]
- Overview of aspects of generative artificial intelligence - Mihaly FICSOR - EN-CN [PDF - 3.47MB]
- Responsibilities and Obligations of Online Platforms with New Business in New Areas and Forms - LI Zizhu - EN-CN [PDF - 1.98MB]
- Structural issues of collective management of copyright and related rights - Mihaly FICSOR - EN-CN [PDF - 2.14MB]