Fourth EU-China IP Academic Forum in the context of EUCIPAN
Designed and set up by IP Key China, the EU-China IP Academic Network (EUCIPAN) supports exchanges between EU and Chinese academia with a view to ensuring sustainable collaboration. It provides a steering group, research opportunities and an online platform ( A forum took place in Shanghai last year, followed on 21-22 October 2019 by a steering group meeting and the Fourth EU-China IP Academic Forum, both hosted by the University of Alicante. The forum included main sessions on:
- IP issues in the context of globalisation
- IP and artificial intelligence.
Roberto Escarre, Director at the University of Alicante, opened the EUCIPAN steering group meeting with a presentation on the EUCIPAN. Other contributors included Professor Ma Zhongfa from Fudan University, who praised the Shanghai forum as a great opportunity for strengthening cooperation between the EU and China.
The steering group meeting was followed by task force discussions on, inter alia:
- the EUCIPAN portal and network development
- a research programme
- the Fifth EU-China IP Academic Forum.
A summary of the conclusions of the task force discussions will be available shortly on and will be shared with interested parties by the EUCIPAN team.
Please see the agenda of Academic Forum and the agenda of steering group meeting for specific information on the events. For general information on EUCIPAN, contact Benoit MISONNE at
- IP Enforcement in European trade agreements - Xavier Seuba | 欧洲贸易协议中的知识产权执法 [PDF - 3MB] [EN,CN]
- Internal Morality of Article 17 DSMD - Dr Lingling Wei | 魏玲玲博士_《单一数字市场版权指令》第17条的内在道德性 [PDF - 0.6MB] [EN,CN]
- The text and data mining exception: a lost opportunity to boost European companies’ competitiveness in AI - Aurelio Lopez-Tarruella, University of Alicante | 阿利坎特大学_文本和数据挖掘的例外规定:欧洲公司在加强人工智能领域竞争力方面如何错失良机 [PDF - 0.4MB] [EN,CN]
- Constructing A Self-Executing FRAND Mechanism in Global Market - Zhang Haoran | 张浩然_在全球市场上构建一套自我执行的公平、合理和非歧视性条款(FRAND)机制 [PDF - 1.8MB] [EN,CN]
- AI impact on IP law and practice - Associate Professor Frantzeska Papadopoulou | 人工智能对知识产权法律及实践的影响 [PDF - 1.6MB] [EN,CN]
- Computer Programs and Licensing Needs for AI: is EU Copyright law fit? - Begoña Gonzalez Otero | 人工智能计算机程序及其许可需求:欧盟当前的版权法是否合适?[PDF - 1.6MB] [EN,CN]
- Less is more: some undesirable consequences of affording EU copyright protection to Artificial Intelligence creations - Julien Cabay | 少即是多-将欧盟版权保护用于人工智能创造所带来的不良后果 [PDF - 1.3MB] [EN,CN]
- Enforcing Intellectual Property via Trade and investment agreements - Christophe Geiger | 通过贸易与投资协议执行知识产权 [PDF - 0.6MB] [EN,CN]
- Introduction EU-China IP academic network - Roberto Escarre | 欧盟-中国知识产权学术研究网络介绍 [PDF - 0.5MB] [EN,CN]
- Enhancing the IP segment in the digital silk road initiative - Laurent Manderieux | 加强与数字丝绸之路倡议相关的知识产权 [PDF - 0.1MB] [EN,CN]
- Legal tools to stimulate IP management in Academia - Dariusz Kasprzycki | 促进学术界知识产权管理的法律工具 [PDF - 1.1MB] [EN,CN]
- Nanotechnology innovation IP Protection and new business opportunities - Javier García Martínez | 纳米技术-创新-知识产权保护与新商业机遇 [PDF - 4.9MB] [EN,CN]
- Artificial Intelligence and Patent Law: future perspectives on patentability requirements - Ana Nordberg | 人工智能与专利法-有关可专利性要求的未来观点 [PDF - 0.9MB] [EN,CN]
- The new EU text-and-data mining legislation - Martin Senftleben | 欧盟的新版文本与数据挖掘立法 [PDF - 1.6MB] [EN,CN]